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  • WTO英语900句(1)

        There's a systems failure. 机器系统出毛病了。 There's a breakdown. 出毛病了。 I'm phoning to complain about the product. 我打电话投诉产品...

  • WTO短语I

        Illustrative List of Export Subsidies 出口补贴例示清单 Impairment of the Exclusive Rights 对专有权的减损 Implementation Review Mechanism ...

  • WTO短语H

        Harmonization of Standards and Qualification 标准与资格的协调 Harmonization Work Programme 协调工作计划 Harmonized Commodity and Coding Sy...

  • History of WTO

        The World Trade Organization came into being in 1995. It is the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT)established...

  • WTO短语G

        GATT 1947 1947年关税与贸易总协定 GATT 1994 1994年关税与贸易总协定 GATT 1994 Obligation 1994年关税与贸易总协定项下的义务 General Constructi...

  • WTO短语U-Z

        Uniform Administration of the Trade Regime 贸易制度的统一实施 Unlimited Tariff Concession 无限制关税减让 Unreasonable Burden of Proof 不合...

  • WTO短语T

        Tariff Classification of Goods 货物的税则归类 Tariff Concession Negotiation 关税减让谈判 Tariff Negotiating Plan 关税谈判方式 Tariff Negot...

  • WTO短语F

        Factors of Non-Trade Concerns 非贸易关注因素 Factual Basis for Panels Examination 专家组进行审查的事实依据 Factual Standard of Review 审查...

  • WTO短语S

        Sanitary and phytosanitary 卫生和植物检疫措施 Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standard (SPS) 动植物卫生检疫标准 Sanitary and phytosanitary meas...

  • WTO短语Q-R

        Qualification Requirements and Procedures 资格要求和程序 Quantitative Export Restrictions 出口数量限制 Quantitative Import Restrictions 进...

  • WTO短语E

        1981 Protocol 1981年多种纤维协定议定书 Economic Integration Agreement(EIA) 服务贸易一体化协议 Economic Partnership Agreement(EPA) 经济...

  • WTO短语P

        Packaging, Marking and Labeling Requirements 包装、标志和标签的要求 Packet-Switched Data Transmission Services 分组交换数据传输服务 Panel ...

  • WTO英语900句(4)

        Of course. We will have the Sales Contract made out in two days. 当然了。两天后销售合同就准备好。 Please remember to use both English and ...

  • WTO短语D

        Dairy Export Incentive Programme(DEIP) 奶制品出口激励计划 Date for Assessing Compliance 评估相符性的期限 Date Processing and Tabulating Se...

  • WTO短语O

        Object Code Computer Programe 计算机程序目标代码 Official Funding Facilities 官方筹资便利 Official Refinancing Facilities 官方再融资便利 O...

  • WTO短语C

        Calculation of Aggregate Measurement of Support 综合支持量的计算 Calculation of Current Total AMS 现行综合支持总量的计算 Capable of Indust...

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