图片 高考英语语法专项突破:情景交际_网络版金鲨银鲨|官网游戏APP下载*


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来源::未知 | 作者:网络版金鲨银鲨|官网游戏APP下载* | 本文已影响
  ①It all depends!(视情况而定);
  ②what if(倘若......会怎么样);
  ③What for?(做什么用,为什么);
  ④So what ?(那又怎么样);
  ⑤Got it!(明白了);
  ⑥Take your time.(别着急);
  ⑦Take it easy.(放松点);
  ⑧It’s up to…(由……决定)。
  Thank you very much.
  Thanks a lot.
  Many thanks.
  That's all right.
  Thanks for helping me.
  You're welcome.
  That's OK.
  Not at all.
  It’s my pleausre.
  Don’t mention it.
  It’s nothing.
  Think nothing of it.
  Forget it.
  I'm sorry.
  I'm sorry to trouble you.
  I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.
  It doesn't matter.
  It's not important.
  That's/It’s nothing.
  Not at all.
  Neve rmind.
  That’s all right.
  Forget it.
  That’s OK.
  No problem.
  Not to worry.
  I think you ought to…我想你应该……
  If I were you, I’d…如果我是你,我会……
  It might be a good idea if you…如果你……这倒是个好主意。
  Have you ever thought of…? 你是否想过要……?
  I recommend that……我建议……
  I strongly advise you to……我极力主张你……
  You really ought to……你的确应该……
  Personally, I think you’d better……依我看,你最好……
  Why not do……? 为什么不……?
  Why don’t you do……? 你为什么不……?
  I suggest that……我建议……
  What about doing……? ……怎么样?
  How about doing……? ……怎么样?
  Shall we……? 我们去……好吗?
  Let’s……, shall we? 让我们去……好吗?
  You need (to)……你需要……
  Good idea.
  That’s great.
  Sounds great.
  It sounds great.
  That’s fine.
  Why not?
  I’d love to,but…
  I’m afraid…
  It’s an idea,but…
  May I...?
  Can I?
  Could I...?
  Do you mind if I…
  With pleasure.
  Certainly(Of course)
  Sure,go ahead.
  Yes,help yourself.
  Of Course not,go ahead(回答Do you mind if I…的请求)
  I’m afraid not.
  Better not.
  I’d rather you didn’t.
  All right.
  I will.
  No way.
  Forget it.
  —Do remember to call me up when you arrive. —I will.
  —I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her. —No way.It was her fault.
  Would you like to … ?
  Why don’t we…?
  That would be fine.
  Tha’s very kind of you.
  All right.
  Yes,I’d love to.
  I’d love to,but…
  Sorry,I can’t.
  I’m afraid I can’t.
  Good luck!
  Best wishes to you.
  Have a nice/good time/journey.
  Happy New Year!
  Merry Christmas!
  Happy birthday to you.
  Thank you!
  The same to you.
  —Happy New Year!(Merry Christmas!)
  —The same to you.(You,too.)
  Very good.
  Well done.
  Come on.
  Keep trying.
  You can do it.
  Thank you.
  I’ll try it again.
  Can I help you?
  What can I do for you
  Would you like me to help you?
  Do you want me to…
  Let me…
  Thank you for your help\Thanks.
  No,thank you\thank you all the same.
  That’s very kind of you, but…
  How come?(何以会……?为什么)
  What a surprise!
  Good heavens!
  I’m sorry to hear that.
  Don’t worry.
  What a pity!
  That’s really unlucky.
  Bad luck.
  Just my luck.
  Don’t worry.
  Don’t be afraid.
  Take your time.
  Take it easy.
  Make yourself at home.
  It’s quite all right.
  It’ll be OK.
  Come on.
  Cheer up.
  You can do it.
  You will make it.
  I quite agree.
  I couldn’t agree more.
  Of course.
  All right.
  That’s a good idea.
  No problem.
  I think so.
  Not really.
  Not Exactly.
  I don’t quite agree.
  I don’t think so.
  I’m afraid not.
  It’s hard to say.
  Well,that’s depend.
  No way.
  Of course not.
  So what?
  Who cares?
  ①A:Good morning/afternoon/evening.
  How do you do?
  Nice to meet you.
  ②A:How are you?
  B:Fine, thank you.And you?
  A:Very well,thank you.
  A:What day is it? B:It's Monday.
  A:What's the date? B:It's Jan. 10th.
  A:What's the time,please? B:It's five o'clock/half past five... It's time to ...
  This is…(speaking). 我是……(不说I am…)
  It is …here. 我是……
  May I speak to …, please? 请找……接电话好吗?
  Can I speak to …, please? 请找……接电话好吗?
  Could I speak to …, please? 请找……接电话好吗?
  I’d like to speak to…, please. 请找……接电话好吗?
  Who’s that (speaking / calling)? 你是谁?(不说Who are you?)
  Is that …(speaking)? 你是……吗?
  Is …there? ……在吗?
  Is…in? ……在吗?
  Hold on, please. 请稍等。
  Hold the line, please.请稍等。
  Can I take a message? 你可以留个口信吗?(对方要找的人不在时)
  Can you give/ leave a message?你可以留个口信吗?(对方要找的人不在时)
  Can/Could I ask who is calling?请问您是哪位?
  May I have your telephone number? 您的电话号码是多少?
  What can I do for you?您要买点什么?
  Can I help you? 您要买点什么?
  What’s the price of …?……的价钱是多少?
  How much is…? ……多少钱?
  It’s well worth the money.很合算。
  Have you got anything a little cheaper? 有没有比这便宜点的?
  How much does it come to? 总共多少钱?
  How much is it altogether? 总共多少钱?
  Try it for size. 试试大小。
  Will you show me…?请拿给我看……?
  Have you got any…? 你们有……吗?
  It’s a bit too large (small, plain. gaudy etc.) for me.
  That’s fine. I’ll take it. 那好,我买了。
  That’s too expensive, I’m afraid.恐怕那太贵了。
  What colour do you want? 你要什么颜色?
  What size do you want? 你要什么尺寸的?
  Do you have any other kind? 你们有别的种类吗?
  Excuse me.Where’s …?劳驾,……在什么地方?
  Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to…? 劳驾,你能告诉我去……的路吗?
  How can I get to…?我怎样去……?
  Go down this street.顺着这条街走。
  Turn right at the first crossing.在第一个十字路口向右拐。
  Turn left at the second crossing.在第二个十字路口向左拐。
  It’s about…metres from here.离这里大约有……米。
  It’s only a ten-minute walk from here.走十分钟就到了。
  Go straight ahead till you see…一直往前走直到你看见……
  上词下用指的是答句部分延用了题干句子的重点词、信息词,按表层意思似乎合情合理,但往往为错误的“虚像”,需经进一步分析后才能确定正确选项。典型的例子如用“I don’t”应答“Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow”,用“Don’t be sorry”回答“I’m sorry I broke your mirror”,以及用“No thanks”回答“Thank you ever so much for the book you sent me.”避免“上词下用”的误区,一是确认题目涉及的交际功能项目,二是确认句子上下文语境,三是确认正确的话语方式。请看下例:
  —I wonder if I could use your telephone.
  A.I wonder how B.I don’t wonder C.Sorry,it’s out of order D.No wonder,here it is
  解析:尽管该题中反复出现“wonder”一词,但通过仔细审题可确定其考查的功能项目为征求对方意见,问句相当于“Could I use your telephone?”综合语境和话题的分析,正确的答话方式一般为“Of course you can”(肯定)或“Sorry,you can’t”(否定),也只有C项符合题意,A、B、D项均属典型的“上词下用”现象,而且D项中的“No wonder”意思为“难怪 ”,更是和题干内容相差甚远。
  —Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend?
  A.I don’t believe B.I don’t believe it C.I believe not so D.I believe not
  解析:以Do you think…?这样的句子来提问,用D项来回答表示否定,显然不符合中文的表达习惯,这也正是许多考生选了A、B、C项的原因。另一个更常见的失误是套用中国文化模式。违背英语国家的思维方式和文化习俗,这属于文化方面的“负迁移”。
  这主要是指在对方要求得到帮助,提出请求或邀请时,回答过于直接,不够委婉,尽管从语义角度分析是没毛病的,但不符合英语国家的交际习惯。“请求”方面的问 话有May I…?/Can I…?/I wonder if I could…/Do you mind if I…?等,“邀请”方面 的问话有Will you…?/Would you like to…?/I’d like to invite to…等。在作否定回答 时,为了表示礼貌和委婉,通常要用一些委婉词,如but,I’m afraid,I’m sorry,thanks,please,had better等。请看下例:
  —I didn’t know this was a one-way street,officer.
  A.That’s all right. B.I don’t believe you. C.How dare you say that? D.Sorry,but that’s no excuse.
  应该说答非所问的错误比较容易察觉,如果问话与答话的内容风牛马不相及的话,考生可以迅速排除。但有时双方会话内容有所关联,但仔细推敲发现其实答语并不切题。最典型的例子是With pleasure和It’s a pleasure。前者一般在事前回答 ,表示“非常愿意”。后者一般在事后回答,表示“不用客气”。 请看下例:
  —Sorry, I couldn't come to the party. I was sick that day.
  A.I don't know that B.That's all right C.Yes, we'll have another party D.No, the party wasn't held
  解析:A 、C和D三项均明显地答非所问,与问句无关;只有D项能够作出直接的答复。
  1.—This free gift doesn't look good.
  —_____________, madam, but if you want good quality, you have to pay for it.
  A. No problem B. No doubt C. No offence D. No way
  2.—Was yesterday’s party a great success?
  —______.Tom, who is a good mixer, didn’t show up.
  A. Not surprisingly B. Not necessarily C. Not exactly D. Not really
  3.——Can I get you a cup of coffee?
  A.With pleasure. B.You can please. C.That’s very nice of you. D.Thank you for the coffee.
  4.—I’m so anxious about my driving test tomorrow. Would you please give me some advice?
  — ____.I’m sure you are good enough to pass it. Be confident of yourself.
  A. Absolutely B. Take it easy C. You are right D. Not really
  5. —You shouldn’t have taken pictures before the carved stones.
  A. Pardon me B. Yes, I will C. Never mind D. Don’t mention it
  6.—Please tell Bruce he has won the first prize in the maths contest.
  —________! He never did so well before.
  A. Congratulations B. Good luck C. That’s right D. What a good surprise
  7.—Tom, I got a strange call this morning, saying I had won an expensive car, which puzzled me.
  A. Congratulations. B. You are a lucky dog. C. Forget it. It’s too expensive. D. Perhaps it’s a trick
  8.—Don’t you agree with what he said?
  —Yes, !It can’t be .
  A.approximately;better B.absolutely;better C.relatively;worse D.fortunately; worse
  9.—I’d like to invite you to my new house this Sunday.
  A. Oh, no. Let’s not B. I’m very sorry, but I have other plans
  C. I’d rather stay at home D. Oh, no. That’ll be too much trouble
  10.—Sorry, Peter. I’m afraid that I can’t go to the cross talk show by Guo Degang with you.
  — ! Who knows when he will come here next time?
  A.Take it easy B.What a shame C.It doesn’t matter D.Do as you like
  11.—Do you mind my smoking here?
  A.No, thanks B.No. Good idea C.Yes, please D.Yes.Better not
  12.—Tom, would you like to come to our dinner party?
  —_ ____.
  A. Yes, I would B. Sure, it’s my pleasure C. No, I can’t come D.Yes, with pleasure
  13. — My name is Jack Smith.________
  —Hi! I’m Jackson.
  A. How do you do? B. Nice to meet you again.
  C. How about you? D. How are you?
  14.—Her grandpa passed away yesterday.
  —_____ _ .
  A.How do you like it? B.He was a kind man. C.Sorry to hear that. D.What shall we do?
  15.—Shall we go there next Sunday?
  —To see the football match.
  A.What with B.What by C.What for D.What on
  16.—Is there anything I can do for you,sir?
  —_____ .
  A.Perhaps.Go ahead B.No.Take your time
  C.Yes.You're welcome D.Not now.Thanks anyway
  17.—Sorry,I can't go camping with you. I have to prepare well enough for the entrance-exam.
  —________!We can camp together next time.
  A.Don't say so B.Congratulations C.Good luck D.No problem
  18.— I’m going to travel to Sydney. Would you please tell me about your experiences there?
  —________.Let’s discuss it over lunch.
  A.Go ahead B.It just depends C.That’s wonderful D.By all means
  19.—Shall I begin the lecture?
  —I’m afraid we have to wait for a while. John is coming with a microphone.
  — . I can do without the microphone.
  A.I’m sorry B.Excuse me C.I beg your pardon D.Never mind
  20.—Will he be back by ten tonight?
  —No, _____ .
  A.I think not so B.I’m not afraid C.I’m afraid not D.I don’t hope so
  21.—Tom, you are smoking again?
  —______? It’s none of your business.
  A.So what B.How come C.Why not D.What for
  22.—You must obey every word of mine!
  一______ I don’t?
  A.How about B.What if C.So what D.what about
  23.—Do remember to charge the battery 12 hours when you first use it.
  — .
  A.Made it B.Got it C.Understood it D.Remembered it
  24.—What kind of dancing do you like?
  —____________.If it’s rock music I’ll do disco,and if it’s romantic music I’ll do ballet.
  A.pardon B.I can’t tell you C.It all depends D.Not exactly
  25.— Do you think I should join the singing group, Mary?
  — ___ __ .If I were in your shoes, I certainly would.
  A.None of your business B.It depends C.Why not D.I don’t think so
  26.— Is there anything wrong with my heart?
  —Nothing serious.____________.
  A.Take it easy. B. Cheer up C. No way D. What a pity
  27.—Excuse me, could you please spare me a few minutes to explain this?
  —Sorry, but I must go to a meeting now.
  A.Thanks a lot B.What a pity C.I am sorry to hear that D.Thanks anyway
  28. —Whose advice do you think I should follow?
  A. No problem B. Come on C. It’s up to you D. Well, that’s life
  29. —Can you turn down the radio, please?
  A. Oh, I know B. I'm sorry; I didn't realize it was that loud
  C. I'll keep it down next time. D. Please forgive me
  30.—I’m not good at basketball, you know.
  —_______ We’re playing for fun. Just try and you’ll see you can do it.
  A. Well, it depends. B. Take your time. C. Come on! D. That’s OK.
  31.—Shall I give you a hand with this as you are so busy now?
  —Thank you. _______.
  A. Of course you can B. If you like C. It’s up to you D. It couldn’t be better
  32. —I can’t finish the paper until tomorrow, I’m afraid.
  —That’s OK, there’s ______.
  A. no problem B. no hurry C. no doubt D. no wonder
  33.—Would you like another cup of tea?
  —Thanks, .
  A. but why not B. but I’d rather not C. and I’d like not D. and I’d rather not
  34.— I’m afraid I can’t finish the book within this week.
  —- _______.
  A. Please go ahead B. That’s right C. Not at all D. Take your time
  35.—I'm not good at singing,you know.
  — It's just for fun.
  A. No problem. B. Come on! C. What a pity! D. Cheer up.
  36.—Michael was late for Mr. Smith’s oral class this morning.
  —____ _? As far as I know, he never came late to class.
  A. How come B. So what C. Why not D. What for
  37.—Hi, Mr Yu, I want to buy a pen, but I happen to have no money with me. Could you lend me some?
  A. That’s fine B. Nothing serious C. Never mind D. No problem
  38.—Could you please tell me the answer to this question?
  —_______________! It is not my style to help people cheat.
  A. No problem B. No way C. Not at all D. No doubt
  39. — Let’s go hiking this afternoon, Ok?
  — __________
  A. Not at all. B. Never mind. C. Why not? D. What of it?
  40.—The toast bread is really delicious. Can I have a second piece?
  A. Behave yourself B. Help yourself C. Do it yourself D. Go ahead if you don’t mind
  41.— Why don’t you take a taxi there? It’ll save you a lot of time.
  — _________.
  A.Thank you anyway! B.Yes, let’s. C.Good idea! D.That’s all right.
  42. —The WHO expert points out that the H1N1 flu remains a constant threat to the health state of the whole world.
  — . It’s really a serious problem facing us.
  A.Sorry, but I cant B.No, I agree with you C.It sounds a good idea D.I can’t agree more
  43.— I was late for work this morning.
  — _________ You started early, didn’t you?
  A. Why not? B. So what? C. How come? D. Never mind..
  44.—Shall I begin the lecture?
  -I afraid we have to wait for a while.John is coming with a microphone.
  - .I can do without the microphone.
  A.I'm sorry B.Excuse me C.I beg your pardon D.Never mind
  45. — How are you getting on with your work ? — .
  A.Thank you B.Fine , thank you C.Quite well ,thank you D.Why do you ask so ?
  46.— Shall we go out for a drink tonight? —__ ____.
  A.You are right B. It must be funny C.That sounds great D. Have a nice time.
  47.—Would you mind if I opened the window ?
  —__ ____. In fact, I was going to suggest you __ __ it.
  A. Yes; not did B.Not at all; do C. More or less; did D. Of course; do
  48.—Thank you very much for helping me out of trouble, Bob.
  A. With pleasure B.Don’t mention it C. That’s right D. I hope so
  49.—Can I take a week’s holiday, Sir?
  —_________; we are too busy at present.
  A. Don’t worry B. Don’t mention it C.Forget it D. No problem
  50.—Don’t interrupt me while I’m explaining the problems to you.
  —____ __.
  A .All right,go ahead B. It’s my pleasure C. Of course,with pleasure D. Not at all
  1-5CDCBA 6-10DDBBB 11-15DDACC 16-20DCDDC 21-25ABBCC
  26-30ADCBC  31-35DBBDB  36-40ADBCB  41-45CDCDC  46-50CBBCA
