图片 打招呼英语怎么说_网络版金鲨银鲨|官网游戏APP下载*


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来源::未知 | 作者:网络版金鲨银鲨|官网游戏APP下载* | 本文已影响
  Hi/Hello, Mr. Smith.你好,史密斯先生。
  So long/See you, Mr. Smith.再见,史密斯先生。
  I’m glad/pleased to know/see/know you.很高兴见到/认识你。
  How nice to meet you.见到你真高兴。
  Good/nice/glad/pleased to see/meet you again.很高兴再次见到你。
  Small world, isn’t it?又见面了。
  I’m glad to have met you.见到你很高兴。
  I hope we’ll meet again some time.希望不久后能再见到你。
  Haven’t seen you for some time/a long time.好久不见了。
  It’s been a long time.好久不见了。
  Long time no see!好久不见了
  What a surprise !真没想到会(在这里)遇见你。
  I didn’t expect to meet you here!真没想到会(在这里)遇见你。
  How’s everything/business?一切/生意都好吗?
  How’s life?过得好吗?
  How are things with you?过得好吗?
  What’s new with you?近况好吗?
  Anything new?近来如何?
  You’re keeping well.过得不错嘛!
  What are you doing these days?近来忙什么?
  How was your weekend?周末过得如何?
  How are you?身体如何?
  Are you better?好点了吗?
  Are you well?好吗?
  Are you feeling better now?现在感觉好点了吗?
  I’m very well indeed, thank you.确实很好,谢谢。
  Quite well, thank you.很好,谢谢。
  Pretty good, thank you.很好,谢谢。
  Fine, just fine.很好,很好。
  I’m just great.好极了。
  I’m on top of the world, thanks.幸福极了。
  Couldn’t be better.好得不能再好了。
  Fair to middling, thanks.还算好。
  Ok, thanks.还不错,谢谢。
  Pretty fair, thanks.相当不错,谢谢。
  Not bad, thanks.并不太坏,谢谢。
  No complaints.无可抱怨。
  Just so-so, thanks.一般,谢谢。
  No, nothing much.不,不怎么好。
  Same as ever.和从前一样。
  Oh, the usual rounds.哦,老样子。
  Bearing up, bearing up.马马乎乎。
  Still alive– just not at all well.还算活着,真是一点也说不上好。
  Surviving, thanks.凑合,谢谢。
