图片 高考英语语法:数词用法讲解_网络版金鲨银鲨|官网游戏APP下载*


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来源::未知 | 作者:网络版金鲨银鲨|官网游戏APP下载* | 本文已影响
  一.基数词: 表示数目的数词
  1.两位数: 几十和个位数之间加连词号, 如: twenty-three, forty-seven, ninety-six
  2.三位数的读法: 第一个数字+hundred + and +后面的一位或两位数字, 如: 101读作one hundred and one, 864读作eight hundred and sixty-four
  3.四位数和四位以上数字的读法: 阿拉伯数字每三位为一段, 从后往前用逗号分开, 每个逗号处所用的数词分别为: thousand, million, billion, 如: 21,634,755读作twenty-one million six hundred and thirty-four thousand seven hundred and fifty-five. 注意: 读这样的数时, 只在hundred一词后加and
  4.hundred, thousand, million, billion表示具体数目时都不用复数形式, 但它们的复数形式可以用于一些词组中, 如: hundreds of, thousands of, millions of, billions of.
  5.数词dozen, score的用法与hundred, thousand等相同
  二.序数词: 表示数目顺序的词
  1.序数词一般是由基数词加th构成, 序数词前一定要加the, 如: the seventh, the thirteenth, the one hundredth
  2.以y结尾的基数词构成序数词时, 先把y变为i, 再加eth, 如: the twentieth, the fortieth, the fiftieth, the eightieth
  3.大于二十的基数词对应的序数词, 只将末位数变为序数词, 前面的其他位数仍用基数词, 如: 第532读作five hundred and thirty-second
  4.不规则的序数词如下: the first, the second, the third, the fifth, the eighth, the ninth, the twelfth
  1.编号的事物可用序数词或基数词加名词构成, 如: the fourth lesson =lesson four, the fifteenth page =page fifteen, the ninth part =part nine
  2.编号的事物若数字较大, 一般用基数词放在名词后面来表示, 名词前一般不用定冠词, 如: room 302, page 215, No. 101 middle school
  3.在表示年月日时, 年用基数词, 日用序数词, 年的读法是, 从后往前, 将年份分成两位一段, 依次读出每一段即可, 如: April 5,1976 读作April (the) fifth, nineteen seventy-six; October 1, 1949读作October the first, nineteen forty-nine; 年份1905读作nineteen hundred and five; 年份1800读作eighteen hundred; 年份2000读作year two thousand; 年份502 B.C.读作five o two B C; 年份A.D. 620读作six twenty A D
  ①.表示几点整的说法: It is five (o’clock)
  ②.表示几点过几分的说法: 若不超过30分钟, 用past表示过几分; 若超过30分钟, 用to表示差多少分到几点, 如: 3:05 =five past three, 5:20 =twenty past five; 8:35 =twenty-five to nine; 12:50 =ten to one
  ③.表示几刻钟的说法, 如: a quarter, three quarters
  ④.表示上午,下午某时间, 如: 8:00 a.m., 4:15 p.m.
  ⑤.时刻也用24小时制读法, 只须依次读出点钟数和分钟数, 整点钟时, 需在最后加读hundred ( hours), 如: 18:45读作eighteen forty-five, 18:00读作eighteen hundred ( hours ), 以上提到的3:05, 5:20, 8:35分别也可读作three five, five twenty, eight thirty-five
  5.表示加减乘除的说法: 数学运算的加减乘分别用plus, minus, times, divided by表示
  a. How much is fifteen plus two?
  b. How much is eight minus seven?
  c. How much is twelve times twelve?
  d. How much is eighty-one divided by nine?
  e. Five plus three is / equals eight.
  f. Five minus three equals / leaves two.
  g. Five times three makes / is fifteen.
  h. Fifteen divided by three equals five.十五除以三等于五
  a. This room is three times bigger than that one.
  b. The dictionary is four times thicker than that book.
  c. The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.
  7.表示百分比的说法: 基数词+ percent
  8.有些基数词可以构成固定词组, 如: one by one, twos and threes三三两两
  9.基数词可以与度量单位连用: twenty meters deep, ten meters long, one hundred yards
  10.分数的表示法: 分子用基数词, 分母用序数词, 若分子大于1, 则分母用序数词的复数形式, 如: one third, two tenths, two thirds. 有些分数可以用half, quarter表示, 如: three quarters
  11.小数: 小数点读作point, 小数点前面的数字读作一个完整的基数词, 小数点后面的每位数字依次用基数词读出, 如: 3.4读作three point four, 0.2读作zero point two, 8.97读作eight point nine seven
  12.某些数字的读法与写法, 如: $10.20读作ten dollars and twenty cents; 35O 读作thirty-five degree; -20O 读作twenty degree below zero或minus twenty degree; Napoleon III读作Napoleon the third; World War II读作World War two或the second world war.
  a. The boy is ten years old.
  b. The boy is at the age of ten.
  c. He is a ten-year-old boy.
  d. The boy is of ten years.
  14. in one’s + 整十数的复数形式, 表示“在某人几十多岁的时候”, 如:
  a. He became famous in his thirties.
  15. in the 1930s / 1930’s表示“在二十世纪三十年代”
  16. 序数词前一般要用the, 但表示“又一,再一”的概念时, 序数词前也可以用a / an
  a. They plan to buy a second house. 他们计划再买第二房子
  1.一般来说, 两位数以内的数目用文字表示, 超过两位数的数目用数字, 如:
  a. There are forty-five students in our class.
  b. There are about 2,100 students in our school.
  a. One hundred and two voters are against the project.
  a. There are three twos in six. 6之内有三个2.
  b. He became famous in his fifties.
  a. One hundred and two voters are against the project.
  a. There are three twos in six. 6之内有三个2.
  b. He became famous in his fifties
