图片 经济金融术语汉英对照表 K-L_网络版金鲨银鲨|官网游戏APP下载*


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经济金融术语汉英对照表 K-L

来源::未知 | 作者:网络版金鲨银鲨|官网游戏APP下载* | 本文已影响

开办人民币业务 to engage in RMB business
可维持(可持续)经济增长 sustainable economic growth
可变成本 variable cost
可自由兑换货币 freely convertible currency
控制现金投放 control currency issuance
扣除物价因素 in real terms;on inflation-adjusted basis
库存产品 inventory
跨国银行业务 cross-border banking
跨年度采购 cross-year procurement
会计准则 accounting standard

来料加工 processing of imported materials for export
离岸银行业务 off-shore banking(business)
理顺外贸体制 to rationalize foreign trade regime
利率杠杆的调节作用 the role of interest rates in resource allocation
利润驱动 profit-driven
利息回收率 interest collection ratio
联行清算 inter-bank settlement
连锁企业 franchise(businesses);chain businesses
良性循环 virtuous cycle
两极分化 growing income disparity;polarization in income distribution
零售物价指数 retail price index(RPI)
流动性比例 liquidity ratio
流动资产周转率/流通速度 velocity of liquid assets
流动资金贷款 working capital loans
流通体制 distribution system
流通网络 distribution network
留购(租赁期满时承租人可购买租赁物) hire purchase
垄断行业 monopolized industry(sector)
乱集资 irregular(illegal)fund raising
乱收费 irregular(illegal)charges
乱摊派 unjustified(arbitrary)levies
